Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hope in Patience by Beth Fehlbaum

Fehlbaum, B. (2010). Hope in patience. New Jersey: West Side Books.
ISBN-13: 978-0-374-37152-4

Plot Summary

When fifteen-year-old Ashley Asher moves to Patience, Texas, she hopes for a better life. After years of sexual abuse from her step-father and blame and hate from her mother, Ashley has a difficult time learning to trust and love her formerly absentee biological father, step-mother, and younger brother. To deal with the pain, Ashley scratches herself, sleeps in her armoire, and emotionally withdraws. Her new therapist helps her deal with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and when she must face her step-father and mother in court, she realizes that even though she has come a long way, there is still a long way to go. Having new friends like Z.Z. and a love interest, Josh, also gives Ashley hope as she continues to heal.

Critical Evaluation

In this sequel to Fehlbaum’s debut novel, Courage in Patience (2008), Ashley’s first person narration offers readers a glimpse into the mind of a sexually abused girl and how difficult it is to heal. A review in Publisher’s Weekly comments, “The story starts slowly, with multiple flashbacks; despite the emotional tension, whether Ashley will continue to heal is never in doubt. Fehlbaum, an abuse survivor herself, doesn't shy away from the brutality Ashley has suffered and the painful road she must walk. Her details are achingly real” (2010). This painful story of overcoming sexual abuse is made even more honest as Fehlbaum does not create a happy-ever-after ending: the step-father never spends a day in jail and the mother never faces the truth about her husband’s actions. Readers will recognize themes of people needing strong support systems to get through life’s hardships and that everyone deserves to be loved.
Reader’s Annotation
Ashley Asher has escaped her sexually abusive step-father, but can she escape the feelings and memories that constantly plague her and cause her harm? Ashley learns that there really are people who love her and help her feel hope in her new town, Patience.
Author Information
It’s no wonder how Ashley’s experience depicts the true emotional aspect of sexual abuse when we learn that the author herself, Beth Fehlbaum, is also a victim of sexual abuse. On Fehlbaum’s website, she writes, “I was inspired to write this story by my own recovery from childhood sexual abuse. In the process of working through my own grief, disbelief, and anger, I was writing poems and short stories, and sharing them with my (long-suffering) therapist. One day, he suggested that I try writing a novel.” Fehlbaum’s first novel, Courage in Patience (2008), is an effort to process the agony and healing from sexual abuse.

Fehlbaum was born in Dallas, Texas and is married to her high school sweetheart. Together, they have three grown daughters. She earned a B.A. in English and a minor Secondary Education from the University of Texas at Arlington. She further continued her education by receiving an M.Ed. in Elementary Education, specializing in Reading, from Texas A & M. Not only is she an author, but she is also a teacher. The first part of her career was spent teaching middle school and she currently teaches 5th grade in a bilingual education program in Texas.

We can learn more about Beth Fehlbaum by visiting her website:


Young Adult Fiction
Interpersonal relations
Sexual abuse
Family life
Post-traumatic stress disorder
High school

Curriculum Ties

Book Talking Ideas

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? How do people deal with a past of abuse?

Reading Level/ Interest Age

Characters are high school students; appropriate for ages 14 and up

Challenge Issues

Sexual abuse, molestation, rape, language

Challenge Defense

In defense of a challenge, I would cite these reviews as well as ALA's Strategies and Tips for Dealing with Challenges to Library Materials.

Booklist 01/01/11
School Library Journal 01/01/11
Publishers Weekly 10/11/10
Voice of Youth Advocates (V.O.Y.A.) 02/01/11
2011 YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers

Why did I include this title?

I read this novel for class. Its topic of sexual abuse is an important one for teens to be aware of because it is often not talked about. By becoming aware of Beth Fehlbaum’s own experience, teens experiencing painful situations might find hope as well.

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